domingo, 21 de agosto de 2016

Welcome friends:

Copal: Magic resin of the sacred trees.

California White Sage: May the wisdom be with you always.

Rape: Healing Tobacco dust.

Palo Santo: Holly Wood from the Amazon.

Osha: The Root of the Bear.

Mexican native plant known as Chuchupate , root bear or pigtail .
The natives traditionally used for centuries to cure problems
physical , shamanic rituals and induce reverie.
It is said that the bears chew before and after hibernating . Why is used
in burning incense , sweat lodges and ritual fires to call the spirit of the bear. It is mixed with snuff and smoked with the same purpose.
The scent of its root is rich and fragrant, thus serving to make perfumes , oils and as a condiment for cooking. 

Itztli: Obsidian: Magic fire from Mother Earths Heart.

Moringa: The tree of Eternal Youth.

Strengthens the immune system, Regulates cholesterol, ANTI WRINKLE EFFECT, It promotes healthy liver and kidney, Beautifies the skin, Energy, BOOST, DIGESTIVE, Powerful antioxidant, Promotes a healthy circulatory system, Excellent anti-inflammatory, It makes you feel good, Regulates levels of blood sugar in case of diabetes or family history.

Tepezcohuite Root Bark (mimosa tenuiflora).

  • Powerful regenerating and healing .
  • Even better than the bark of the trunk.
  • It is used to make soaps, creams , ointments , shampoo, etc.
  • Because of its high content of DMT it is used to make ayahuasca analogs (known as mayahuasca or anahuasca) as well as other forms to extract the crystals and making mystic healing journeys .


Azhar : Relaxes , calms nerves , brings sweetness tranquility.
Melissa ( lemon balm ) : Calming, digestive, antiviral, calm the heart and stabilizes the heart rate, reduces gas and stomach inflammation . Eliminates bad breath , headaches , including migraines and menstrual cramps. It is an aphrodisiac , happy mood, brings serenity and tempers the nerves.
Hikuri : Miraculous healing plant heart, uplifting , gives much strength and energy , clear thinking and emotions.
How to use: The first 5 days 20 drops 3 times a day , diluted in a little water are taken. From the sixth only 5 drops are taken morning .